Getting Here

Options to get from the international airport (Phillip Goldson International Airport in Belize City) to Caye Caulker:

Commuter Flight to Caye Caulker:
We can help you book a commuter flight from Phillip Goldson International Airport to Caye Caulker. For this service, please provide us with the full names of all passengers, and your international airline details (airline, flight number, and arrival time). When you arrive at Caye Caulker, we will have a golf cart taxi meet you upon arrival. This is a nice option for a smooth, quick transfer to the hotel.

– Price for commuter flight: USD $98.75 (one way) per person. Flight time is 8 – 10 minutes. This is paid (cash or credit card) directly to Tropic Air upon check-in at the international airport.
– Price for a golf cart taxi from Caye Caulker airstrip to hotel: USD $5.00 per person. This is paid in cash directly to the taxi driver.

Water Taxi to Caye Caulker:
A second option is to take a car taxi to the water taxi dock and ride a boat to the island. You will see the streets of Belize City which is a stark contrast to Caye Caulker. Belize City is a city of the developing world. We can help you arrange a car taxi to meet you at the international airport. We will need your airline details for this (airline, flight number, and arrival time). The water taxi is a nice time to unwind and get used to the salt air. You can purchase your water taxi ticket up to 15 minutes before the boat departs. When you arrive at Caye Caulker, we will have a golf cart taxi waiting for you. The golf cart taxi ride is about 5 minutes and you will get acquainted with Front Street. This is a nice option if you are not in a rush and are interested in observing the culture of the mainland before making your way to the island.

– Price for a car taxi from P.G International airport to the water taxi (Belize City): USD $35 for 1 to 3 persons ($10USD for each additional). Drive from the airport to the water taxi is 15 to 20 minutes. This is paid in cash directly to the taxi driver.
– Price for a water taxi boat ticket is USD $20.50 (one way) per person. This is paid (cash or credit card) directly to the water taxi when purchasing your tickets.
– Price for a golf cart taxi from the water taxi terminal in Caye Caulker to the hotel: USD $2.50 per person. This is paid in cash directly to the taxi driver.